Dave Mejias Explains Whether You Should Move Out During Divorce Cases

Once you file for divorce, you may want to know what you must do next. If you reside with your spouse, you may feel the urge to leave the house and look for an apartment. You’ll stay alone there to decide on how you should start the next chapter of your life. However, before you leave the property, you should remember that it’s a shared household. That’s why David Mejias has a few suggestions and ideas for you to consider before you walk out the front door. Speak with your attorney: Attorneys like David Mejias specializing in family law matters have years of knowledge and experience under their belt. These people can guide you toward the best solutions to every issue associated with your divorce case. You may want to move out of the home you once shared with your ex-spouse, but your attorney may suggest staying there until the divorce process concludes. Moving out may turn into a battle where your odds of winning child custody will be negligible. Furthermore, you may end up paying th...